Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Time Machine

What I want to do if the opportunity to go using a time machine?

      If I was given the opportunity to go use the time mechine, I want to go to age 6 years. I want to see  how my family live at that time. Because the target of my live, 6 years later I have been married. I want to  see who is my husband, I want to see my child that still litle. Imagine that all it was very happy for me. I have a family, being a wife and mother. My parents  will be grandparents, while my brother and sister will be the uncle and aunt.
       Besides to  see my family life, I also want to see my dreams. Are the dreams that I written six years ago in a piece of  paper  really become reality or not.  S3 dream to continue studing in japan with my husband, dream to be best selling author, dream to memorize Al-Quran, dream to dispatch my parents to the holy land of Mecca, dream to finance the education of my brothers and sisters, and much more.
       I also want to know how the lives of my friends at that time. My friend who both wrote the dream six years ago with me. What are they have won all of their dreams? And on the promise that we say together, what will actually come true? (hehe.. we often pledge and make the dream together).
Look at family life, look at the dreams and the friends life is very simple desire. But that is what I want. As a form of proof that the present will have a stake in shaping my future later. So, altought the time machine has not been found, at least I can imagine my future. imagine it with doing business this time, and I think it would make more sense.

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